After I signed my life away, as if anything bad could happen from dancing. Actually I take that back. I have a friend, I wont name any names but he actually got kicked out of a bar for "Dancing too hard" True story.
So we got in line and stretched. Here is Sarah whippin' her crimped hair back and forth.
Here are some overly friendly people we met in line.
Then they had us in a wait room.
We couldn't be anymore excited and yes that is a fanny pack.
I realized that I want fanny packs to make a comeback now more than ever.
So easy to dance with all of your belongings on you.
Then it was the moment we all waited for...
It was better than I've ever imaged!!!!!!
"Is this real life"
It was honestly so much fun. We danced to 80s music for 2 hours with only 2 breaks. Hollywood is so tough. I won't give away any details about the show but you all can see for yourself September 25th at 8pm on KOFY! You think I'm joking but I'm not.
Later that night we got ready to take a limo back out to the city.
So Hollywood.
Happy Wednesday!
Ps. The next taping of Dance party is September 10th. Whose in??