I would like to first apologize for not updating my blog in 5 months. I was suffering from writer's block which is a temporary psychological inability to begin or continue work on a masterpiece of writing. Doctors believe it was half writer's block and half me forgetting my user name and password. Good news is I'm back and my life is still a joke!
Since the last time I've blogged I have turned 24 years old and have been electrocuted 2 times at work. I'm hoping the 3rd time it happens I receive some sort of super natural power like seeing the future, hearing people's thoughts or turning water into wine. Keep your fingers crossed! So anyway, for my pre-quarter life crisis birthday me and my fellow hot mess friends went out for a lovely saturday night round of bar golf. There were 4 teams of 4 and we only made it to 4 bars. It was a fun night filled with shots, dance battles and Trophies. I decided to prematurely award all the gold medals to my team and I award myself the MVP award because I was completely sure I was the one who had the most to drink. I didn't realize that some people were actually keeping score and we're the real winners. To these people, I am sorry but the same rules apply to bar golf that do in the Olympic woman's gymnastics. Since my birthday I've tried to find the meaning of life. I've looked at the bottom of every wine bottle and still have not found it. I guess I will have to keep trying.
This past weekend I went to go see Jack's mannequin and the Fray. Both bands were ah-mazing. I kept cheering for Taylor Swift because I secretly wished she would come out. I figured the more I cheered for her the more likely she would come out and sing. The worst part of the whole night was shoreline thought asking $12 for a beer economically made sense. I think that's horse shit. I feel like they were taking advantage of not only my bank account but my alcohol tolerance and will to have a good time. Well, congratulations Shoreline.... You win.
Well, looks like its time for me to go. Considering I'm at work and people's hair can fry. I promise I will write more often because I have to keep big daddy Vargas entertained at work. Peace out <3
i just read your blog while sitting behind my receptionist's desk at work, and i found myself laughing out loud several times.. then i looked over towards our wall of ellipticals, and found a couple clients looking at me like im crazy! i didn't try to explain the funniness of my hot mess friend, but i did realize that maybe i should read future posts in the privacy of my own home...