Friday, January 7, 2011

Knowledge is power!

Yesterday I decided I needed to step outside of my box and step into a museum. I have lived in San Jose my whole life and not once did any tourist stuff. Well, there was my elementary school field trips but I don't think I'm allowed at the Children's museum anymore. It blows my mind that people travel to San Jose to see the Winchester Mystery house. I'm sorry if you do because it's a stage five let down.

So my friend Jess and I decided to have a fun adventure day at The Academy of Science in SF! We got there around 2 and thought we can power through everything in 1 hour, boy were we wrong. I was immediately overwhelmed. Turtles, Sharks and the infamous Steve Irwin murder, the stingray. There was one particular animal that I was appalled by, the albino alligator or as my dad texted me later "send me a pic of alli" It was so white, so thin and so still that I thought it was Kristen Stewart at first until he moved. Boy was he ugly. I started feeling bad for Claude the albino alligator. It's not his fault he has this issue. Maybe he would be happier with a spray tan? Everyone knows you feel better with a tan. Right?

Earlier that morning when i informed my dad on my day of fun he said
"oh let me know how Pierre the penguin is doing" What the heck. Did my dad befriend some penguin and did not inform his family because I'm sorry, that is something you tell your kids! Turns out Pierre is the museums famous penguin. When Pierre was 24 and had some molting problems. He was the alpha male of his colony and because of his bald spots he was shunned by his fellow penguin friends. Ugh, Penguins can be huge dicks sometimes. It wasn't until some lady designed a little wetsuit for Pierre so he wouldn't be too cold to get in the water. Well in 7 weeks he was on his way to recovery and thanks to the wetsuit Pierre got his feathers AND his groove back! Pierre is now 27 years old, found a female lover and get this...He is going to be a father!!! I was pretty excited to call my dad and tell him the big news which his response was "oh, good for him"

The day was going pretty good until the end. The Planetarium. When I went inside the theater I could not get over how cool it was. I was so excited to see video and couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to watch a Twilight trilogy marathon in that theater. Everything was good until they started the show. I felt as if i was moving full speed through the trees and over the ocean. I had to close my eyes a few times to prevent me from throwing up my lunch. To make matters worse it was a video on how the earth was formed. Starting at the very beginning. Space gives me anxiety. It's too much to handle. Let me give you a little bit of history, someone once explained black holes to me and i got a migraine and had to run to the bathroom. As if all the space knowledge wasn't enough they totally skipped over the best part, The dinosaurs.

All in all the trip was amazing and I will be going back. Apparently some Thursdays they have a 21 and over party from 6-10. Drinks, music and learning. I was so excited to hear about this cause I would LOVE to party with Pierre and alli (a.k.a Claude) Hollaaaaa!!!!

We ended the night off with Sushi at Mas Saki because let's be honest looking at all those fish all day sure makes you hungry!

Happy Friday!

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