This Thursday I am thankful for my dog Charlie. Most people think of Charlie as borderline cute but I swear he's got a great personality. Once a kid came over to our house and said "I don't like the ugly one" (referring to charlie) Well kid, The ugly one doesn't like you either. Actually Charlie doesn't like most things, including other dogs named Kobe. There are two Kobes and whenever they step in the same room sweet little Charlie goes crazy like the girls on Rock of Love. Things Charlie does enjoy are going on camping trips, digging in the sand and watching tv. It's a little creepy how he watches tv but he will watch any show with dogs in it. Sometimes he will run downstairs when he hears the Advantix commercial. The one where that cute puppy is singing "There ain't no bugs on me" Ironically right now Charlie is going through a tough time cause he has really bad flees! Maybe I should get him some Advantix? Well That's what I'm thankful for this Thursday. Charlie and his road to recovery. I just want to clarify I'm not some creepy dog person. I'm really not. I actually don't trust people who are obsessed with their animals. Them and redheads.
Can you find charlie in this pic?
I heard he was going through a bout of depression. Cheer up Charlie...