Thursday, May 17, 2012

21 years old and a survivor

Today is my little brothers 21st birthday! Finally, he doesn't have to wait in the car while I'm inside the bar. Chris is 6 years younger than me which pretty much means I could have birthed him. Ever since he was born I've been very protective over him. We would go swimming over at my grandmother's community pool and we never had a set time to leave. We knew it was time to leave whenever Chris fell in the pool and almost drown. I can not tell you how many times I've had to jump in and save Chris. I've had to save him from the pool more times than our blind dog! There was one time in particular I remember very clearly. Chris was about 3 years old and had a dinosaur ring close to this one here:

He was standing by the deep end and decided to DIVE into the water. You would think it would be ok because of his floatation device, Nope. Chris ended up stuck upside down  in the water. All I saw above the water were two legs flailing about into the air. So I had to put down my capri sun and jump in and flip him back over. That was the last straw. I mean, I was 9 years old, I was busy with my own problems. So I decided to teach Chris how to Swim. 

Anyone that has seen Chris and I together knows we are very similar. It's an 'Anything you can do I can do better' competition. Sometimes we drive our mother nuts!

So I wanted to wish little Chrissy a very happy birthday and to many many more... Birthdays, not drowning accidents.

Happy Thursday!