Wednesday, August 24, 2011

You can't dance as if no one is watching because people are watching.

So Last night I decided to come out of retirement and go back to dance. I haven't danced in over 7 years! I'm not going to lie, I was a little nervous. No one likes to be the old person who falls on their ass! I thought i would never dance again but every time I watch Jessica Alba in Honey I get the itch to dance. Then it dawned on me, if I ever wanted to partake in a dance battle and have a chance of winning I needed to go back to dance class.

So there I was in the building that I took my first class ever 22 years ago. Back then you didn't even have to learn a dance routine, you would just stand on the stage, smile and wave to your mom during the song Animal Crackers. The crowd loved it. When I walked into the dance room I suddenly realized all the young kids around me and it was nice that I immediately put things in perspective, the last time I danced on that dance floor NONE of these people were even born yet....including the teacher. Awesome! Hello Dinosaur.

To my surprise it actually went ok. I'm a little rusty but in a couple of months i feel like I will be back! Good news is today I woke up and I can walk. I guess that is a sign that I am ready to drop it like its hot just like Jessica Alba.

Hopefully I will keep up with the dance classes because I hope someday I will be as good as these gems.

Little Creepy but how cute are these ladies? Work it (golden) Girls!! Work that pole nana!

Happy Hump day!

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